Do you hear that??
I have been neglecting this here blog for far too long. And I'm not even sure what I'm going to say now. I just feel like I should break the silence. Initially, I just wanted to take a break to focus on Christmas. Then, I needed to turn my attention to figuring out a better school routine. And then I just started questioning why I was even blogging, where it was going, and if I should even bother.
I have had a few people ask me to get back at it. That feels good. I want to feel like someone is listening. And that I'm making a positive impact on those who are. So am I doing that? Am I even capable of doing that?
And do I really have TIME? I feel like I never have enough time in the day. To do things I need to do. And want to do. And I'm struggling to prioritize.
So I'm not sure how things are going to look moving forward. I do like blogging. And I *think* I want to continue. But I'm just not sure what or how right now. I have all sorts of ideas floating around in my head. So stayed tuned. Who knows what will happen next...